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Online PR News 赢时代小编编译 2009-12-21 07:16 次阅读


       在早先,由新闻稿在线(Online PR News)发布的一篇文章提到了该观点。在全球拥有为数众多客户的曼哈顿(Manhattan)知名搜索引擎优化和在线营销公司dzine it公司执行副总裁Peter Crisafi的证实了这一点,Google新提供的实时搜索(real time search)消弭了之前横亘在搜索引擎和社交网络之间的很多隔阂,而现在社交网络将从实时搜索中获得更多的流量。

       Peter Crisafi表示,Google的这一新的系统参数将直接向搜索用户提供最新的来自Facebook、Twitter、Myspace和其他社交网络的实时数据。

        随着Google实时搜索趋势的到来,Peter Crisafi表示越来越多的搜索引擎优化从业人员将意识到这点,在社交网络提交广告将有助于获取来自Google搜索的更多流量。

       Peter Crisafi认为Google可能会在接下来的时间里致力于实时搜索的推进,相对于之前搜索引擎搜索效率不甚理想的状况,Google公司的专家们正在着手实验一种被称为QDF(Query Deserves freshness,二次判别)的新算法。该算法不再仅仅只是以高数值的PR为依据,取而代之的是当前对于用户搜索请求来说最有价值的内容。换句话说,Peter Crisafi认为基于Facebook、Twitter、Myspace和其他社交网络的商业行为在吸引流量方便将更加具备优势。

        当然,这样的便利趋势可能会被作弊者(spammers)或者黑帽SEO(black hat search engine marketers)所利用,开启新一轮的流量作弊竞赛。

(dzine it公司执行副总裁Peter Crisafi文章原文)

        针对这一情况,Peter Crisafi表示这就需要从业的公司进行自律,“广告主们需要找的代理机构不仅仅在社交网络营销中具备经验,他们还应该在案例执行过程中遵循搜索引擎的基本法则。”

       Leading New York search engine optimization and Internet marketing firm says that Google’s new "real-time" search can boost traffic for those that take advantage of social media marketing.

        According to Peter Crisafi, Vice President of dzine it, Inc., a reputable Manhattan search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing firm with an array of clients worldwide, Google’s new "real-time" search bridges the gap between social networking and search marketing.

        "Google’s new real time search is about as direct as it gets when it comes to social networking and search marketing," says Crisafi. "With this new search parameter, Google offers users real-time search results from Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other social networking sites."

        With the advent of Google’s real-time search engine features, Crisafi says that now is the time for website owners to take advantage of social networking sites to drive traffic, if they have not done so already. He adds that while "real-time" searches are suddenly all the rage among search engine optimization experts, the concept has been in the works for quite some time.

        "Google has been working toward the roll-out of real-time search for years," says Crisafi. "Following a poor search engine performance from its own service, Google Finance, experts set out to create what it called a QDF algorithm, which determines which queries will be augmented with the most recent content available, in addition to the content with the highest page rank."

         In other words, Crisafi says, businesses that take advantage of Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites have the opportunity to really drive traffic these days.

       Of course, Google’s new real-time search also has the potential for abuse, Crisafi notes, among spammers and black hat search engine marketers.

       "In order for a company to ensure that they are using Google’s real-time search properly and above board," says Crisafi, "businesses should only hire a search engine optimization firm that not only has experience in social network marketing, but also adheres to organic, white hat search engine optimization practices."

       阅读更多来自Online PR News的文章


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