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CNN SEO主管专访(视频截图)

WEBproNEWS 赢时代小编编译 2009-12-16 09:08 次阅读

       【赢时代专稿】对于像CNN(Cable News Network美国有线电视新闻网)这样的超级传媒公司,实施搜索引擎优化(SEO)将遭遇到的最大挑战是什么?

       CNN执掌在线搜索引擎优化主管Topher Kohan在接受WPN VIDOES的专访时表示,与重大时事发生进行同步更新维护是网站执行搜索引擎优化中最为关键的一个环节。


      在WEBproNEWS对Topher Kohan的专访中,Kohan认为在头版头条(headline)、新闻标题(title)标签描述( meta description)中嵌进必要的关键词是至关重要的。

       至于新闻网站日后行将面对的视频搜索引擎优化(video SEO),Topher Kohan在回答WEBproNEWS记者的提问时说,微格(microformats )将会成为往后用户获得新闻内容的重要关键要素。9月份的时候,google视频搜索在它宣布成为Yahoo search monkey计划和facebook share的时候就已经明确地显示了这一点。

(CNN执掌在线搜索引擎优化主管Topher Kohan)



      Topher Kohan相信,搜索引擎之间的这些协作关系将为SEO提供更多的线索信息,对于用户而言也将因此获益良多。他认为这些规则将有望在未来的18个月之内确立新的行业标准。Topher Kohan建议搜索引擎优化从业人员紧跟这些搜索优化的变化趋势,以便获得更好的业界优势。

       What’s the biggest SEO challenge for a large media company such as CNN? According to Topher Kohan, the SEO Manager at CNN, keeping up with breaking news is the most demanding part of the process.

      On the positive front, because CNN has a TV station, they are able to essentially tell people what to search for. However, on the website, they have to determine what people are searching for on their own. In an interview with  WebProNews, Kohan said keywords need to be included in the headline, title, and meta description.

      As for the future of video SEO for news sites, Kohan told us that he sees microformats as a key ingredient to getting content seen. Google further indicated this when it announced its support of Yahoo’s SearchMonkey RDFa and Facebook Share in September.

      Kohan believes these partnerships will allow SEOs to give the search engines more information, which will be better for everyone. Since he expects to see a set of standardized tags within the next 18 months, Kohan advises SEOs to get on board with the coming changes in order to start preparing now.




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